

The Metaverse Will Reshape Our Lives. Let's Make Sure
Saturday, 15 February 2024
The Metaverse Will Reshape Our Lives. Let's Make Sure

The Metaverse may be a solution to the isolation many remote workers face. Employers could utilize digital workspaces, allowing employees to get to the office without commuting. It could redefine the meaning of “face to face.” People could touch base with their co-workers and bosses in real-time and feel more involved in distanced meetings. AI may also come into play. By creating a digital twin, some workers could choose to send “themselves” to work when they need a sick or mental-health day. AI can allow employees to still be productive while they need time off. It’s capable of benefitting workers and employers. It could change the actual workplace as well. Some envision their companies working from the beach for a day. Others could be taking notes in the jungle or sending an email in space. The possibilities for virtual offices are endless. On top of more social interaction, it can give employees a sense of adventure when coming to work.

#metaverse #ar #vr