

Metaverse: Alternate Reality Is The Next Big Thing After
Saturday, 15 February 2024
Metaverse: Alternate Reality Is The Next Big Thing After

Metaverse virtual worlds often seem overly complex at first. But a metaverse world or crypto world can be understood by simply learning about a few basic concepts. The first is decentralization. Decentralization means that part of a metaverse world is built on blockchain technology. A single organization or individual controls standard systems. But the blockchain is a system that sits independently of any central authority. Everyone working with the blockchain essentially owns part of it. The same goes for metaverse virtual worlds built with the blockchain. The use of the blockchain also explains why metaverse virtual worlds are often user governed. Crypto worlds like Decentraland use decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to keep users in control of the more extensive system. A metaverse world will also operate with provable provenance. This is essentially thanks to the fact that they use NFTs. NFTs make it easy to prove the provenance of user-generated content.

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